Sunday, September 12, 2010


As I write this, I am selecting my song list for my youth group this coming Friday. I'm set to lead our youth band in seven praise and worship songs. As I listen to prospective songs on iTunes, I am surprised at the shift in my mood from a mere half an hour ago when I wasn't listening to music.

Having scanned through eight or nine songs, I am find myself in a state of "pre-worship" (for lack of a better term). My heart is much more prepared to submit to God and worship Him in this instant.

This leads me to wonder though- what is it about music that can affect our emotions on such a deep level? The mood of a song can be like a wave that floods our own feelings. Words are powerful, but when set to the right soundtrack, they can be a wrecking ball. They can bring even the hardest of hearts down to their knees.

1 comment:

  1. You are too right with that statement, their are no beter words to desribe the affect of music on peoples emotions.
