Sunday, September 5, 2010


It feels almost a little cliche' to be writing about what I did over the summer, but I figure: an assignment is an assignment.

Here's the thing. My past few summers haven't been that memorable. Not that my summers lacked memorable things, they were just any old day(s) to me. When you're in school, summer is a big deal because, at that point, you're not in school. You get seven days a week to do whatever you'd like to do, and there is no obligation to be at school. I graduated from American Senior High School in 2008, and have been out of school until now. That's two years I've been sitting on my hands, not doing school.

My summer of 2010 was spent doing some of the same things I've been doing for a while. Working at my church mostly. The one gleaming silver lining to my summer was getting to surprise my girlfriend with a trip up to Disney for the day. This was a one day trip where we (meaning I) drove up and back the same day, leaving a pretty tight window to fit the following:

A visit and lunch at Animal Kingdom. Riding our favorite rides at Magic Kingdom. A trip to and dinner at Downtown Disney.

But, with a little extra pressure on my gas pedal, we were able to make it to all of our desired destinations with time enough to get home and wake up the next morning for church.


  1. Ok now here is my response:

    When Chuck Norris does a push up, he isn't lifting himself up. He is pushing the Earth down.

    When Chuck Norris tears out your heart and squeezes with one hand, the immense pressure results in a blood diamond. Oh, and horror flicks for the win.

    Best decade was the 90's we got Micheal Jacksons' epicness; Michael Bolton was cool too.
    I wish I was actually taking part in something like you and what you do at the church.

  2. 90's ROCK! ;) So do the 80's, though. For me, the two blend seamlessly into each other.

    That day at Disney sounds fun and tiring!
